新星日響合唱団 新星合唱団の前身、新星日響合唱団は、1974年、プロのオーケストラに付属する日本最初の合唱団として結成され、 以後27年にわたり内外の著名な指揮者のもと、新星日本交響楽団とともに100 回を超えるコンサートを行い、プロのオーケストラと共演する実力を養ってきました。 演奏してきたレパートリーは、毎年末のベートーヴェン《第九》はもとより、 古今の宗教曲からオペラにいたる広範囲なジャンルのオーケストラ付合唱曲が含まれています。 The Japan Shinsei Symphony Chorus, the former name of Shinsei Chorus, was founded in 1974 as the first amateur chorus in Japan to support a professional orchestra. In its 27 years of existence the chorus gave more than a hundred concerts with the Japan Shinsei Symphony Orchestra under both Japanese and overseas conductors, and achieved professional standards. The chorus' repertory was broad including a yearly performance of Beethoven's 9th Symphony ; sacred works, both classical and contemporary ; and also opera.
新星合唱団: 2001年、新星日本交響楽団が東京フィルハーモニーと合併したのにともない、 合唱団はオーケストラから離れ、自立した合唱団として再発足しました。 そして創立以来のアマチュア合唱指導では定評のある郡司博氏を引き続き常任指揮者として、2002年6月に最初の自主公演、ベートーヴェン《ミサ・ソレムニス》を演奏、 以来、毎年1回の自主公演を柱に指揮者郡司氏が関与する合唱団との合同公演等年数回の演奏会を続け今日に至っています。
'07年には、指導者の郡司博氏が指揮生活40周年を迎え、記念公演のシリーズの一環として郡司氏指揮によるモーツァルト《戴冠ミサ》・《レクィエム》の公演を行い、団による記念本「郡司 博 −合唱指揮者の熱き40年−」の出版を行いました。

運営方針:  オーケストラとともに演奏する合唱曲となると当然のことながら宗教曲が中心となります。これは歴史的にみてもやむを得ないことですが、私たちは古典から現代まで、宗教音楽からオペラまで、 できるだけ広いジャンルの音楽に取り組み、楽しみたいと考えています。アマチュア合唱団としてはオペラの演奏経験が比較的多いことは特徴の一つといえるかもしれません。
学生から70歳台の高齢者、初心者から合唱経験数十年のベテランまで200名近い大所帯ですが、団員の良識に支えられた、あまりやかましい拘束のない自然体の運営を続けます。30年の歴史の重みは毎週発行される機関紙「Bruder」が 既に1,800号を越えるにいたったことを一つの象徴と捉えることもできますが、永年にわたり、受け継ぎ、育ててきた新星合唱団の「合唱の色」を感じ取って下さる方も少なくありません。今後も、私たちの「色」を守り育てながら、
The Shinsei Chorus : In 2001, when the Japan Shinsei Symphony Orchestra merged with the Tokyo Philharmonic Orchestra, the chorus disaffiliated from the orchestra and decided to continue independently. Hiroshi Gunji, who has been highly acclaimed as a trainer for amateur choirs, has been our permanent conductor since the Japan Shinsei Symphony Chorus was founded. The first performance by the Shinsei Chorus was held in June 2002, and its program was 'Missa Solemnis' by Beethoven. The chorus has had an annual independent performance as the centerpiece of our activity, and also has had joint concerts with choirs, who Gunji has trained, several times a year to the present. In the season 2004 - 2005, we performed the 30th anniversary concert series : Dvorak's ''Requiem' (Sep. 2004), 'Cavalleria Rusticana' and choruses from Wagner's operas (Feb. 2005), and Britten's 'War Requiem' (Aug. 2005) in commemoration of the 60th anniversary of the end of World War II. ''The 'War Requiem concert''' was an internationalperformance by soloistsfrom China, Korea and Japan, choruses from Korea, German and Japan, as well aschildren's choirs from USA and Japan.
In 2007, as a part of a concert series celebrating forty years of Mr.Gunji's career,we performed Mozart's'Coronation Mass'and'Requiem'under Mr.Gunji's baton. A commemorative book 'Hiroshi Gunji's enthusiastic 40 years as a chorusmaster' was published in 2007.
Our philosophy : As we perform choral works with orchestras, needless to say, our main repertory is religious music. Although this cannot be helped from historical point of view, we aim to enjoy as wide a range of genres as we can : from classical to modern, from religious works to opera. It may characterize our chorus among amateur-choruses that we have performed operas comparatively often.
The chorus consists of nearly 200 members, ranging from students to people in their 70s, and from beginners to veterans who have sung in choruses over decades. The chorus is run without strict restriction, supported by members' common sense, and there is a natural atmosphere. Our newsletter, issued over 1800 times, is a kind of symbol of our 30 year history. Not a small number of our audience feel the 'color' in our chorus, which we have succeeded in nurturing. From now on, we intend to make efforts to aim for even higher standards, without being satisfied with our present standards, to aim for performances where we can fully communicate with audience.
